Eurobowl méta


Localisation : Costa Pavada

Eurobowl méta

Messagepar shuran » 29 janv. 2020, 10:07

Team creation
- 1100k for a standard building a team and the inducements
- minimum 11 players must be included in a team and no more than 16 including star Players
- At least 11 standard roster players before any star Player
- each team may buy 0-1 NAF-approved star Players
- 0-8 Re-Rolls
- Assistant coaches - Cheerleaders - 0-1
Apothecary or Igor, depending on race
- 0-9 Fan Factor
- Inducements. The cost will be as following and will count for all 6 games
- 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs for each 50 kgp
- 0-3 Bribes for each 100 kgp, for Goblins only for each 50 kgp
- 0-1 Masterchef for 300 kgp, for Halfings only 100 kgp
- 0-1 NAF-approved star players for their regular cost

Additonal cash: You can use additonal cash afer spending whole starting budget. Each non spent amount from starting budget is lost and cannot be used with additonal one.
- each team has additonal cash based on their Tier that can be spent on additonal skills, players, star players and inducements
- the cost of the additonal skill is:
 20k for normal skill
 30k for double skills
- maximum one player in each team can stack an additonal skill, the second of the stacked skill costs 30k, both skills have to be normal skills
- maximum one player in each team from tier 1-3 can have one double skill
- maximum two players in each team from tier 4-6 can have one double skill
- star players may not receive additonal skills
- the Skill "Piling On" will be used according to Death Zone 1, i.e. Team Re-Roll is required to use

Tier 1 - 100k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Amazons, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Wood Elves, Undead
Tier 2 - 120k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Chaos Dwarves, Orcs, Skaven, Necromantc
Tier 3 - 140k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Bretonnians, Humans, Chaos
Tier 4 - 170k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Chaos Renegades, Elf Union, High Elves, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann
Tier 5 - 200k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Daemons of Khorne, Underworld Denizens, Vampires
Tier 6 - 230k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Goblins, Halfings, Ogres

Scoring: The event will give priority to team wins over individual wins
Should a Team win their tie they will get 2 Points
Should a Team Draw their tie they will get 1 Point
Should a Team Lose their tie they will get 0 Point
In the event of an equal score, the first tie breaker will be individual score based on the W/D/L of the individuals in the team

An individual win is worth 2 points
A draw is worth 1 Point
A loss worth 0 Points

The second tie breaker will be Head to Head for the respectve Natons or Teams
The third tie breaker will be Strength of Schedule
The fourth tie breaker will be Team NET TD + NET CAS
The fifth tie breaker will be coin toss

C'est la porte ouverte à la diversité, aux équipes d'elfes, puis donc de nains pour les tacler !!! En fait, je n'en sais rien, je manque d'expérience pour visualiser les équipes qui y gagnent !


Localisation : Costa Pavada

Re: Eurobowl méta

Messagepar shuran » 29 janv. 2020, 10:09

Voici le format. Quelles seront, selon vous, les compos métas avec lesquelles écumer les tournois format Euro de l'année? Est-ce que les anglais vont gagner avec les mêmes rosters que d'habitude ou est-ce qu'ils vont en modifier au moins un? :) On pourrait aussi en discuter sur le forum de l'edf mais ça partirait en vrille !

Dans les propositions méta, par exemple le Bo Breton !

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Re: Eurobowl méta

Messagepar darth-mael » 29 janv. 2020, 10:50

Les anglais vont probablement intégrer un elfe pro cat ils ont pris bester qui est un jouer ep, haut elfe.

Sinon cela ne bougera pas de masses amha

Es, en, mv et amazones seront partout

Ep et skaven seront dans 3/4 des équipes

Ndc, sac à main et nains dans 1/2 des équipes.

Après on verra un peut de bretonniens, necro, haut elfes, orc ?

Mais le reste tu oublis

Zeus le nain

Localisation : Escalquens

Re: Eurobowl méta

Messagepar Zeus le nain » 29 janv. 2020, 18:52

Attention aux Khorne !!! Je vous le dis ...

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